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The symbol of the tree comprised of all aspects of the tree itself and what those element mean. 


The tree provides the breath of life. This ' breath ' is also represented by the spiritual nature of air, which is to ' inspire '. 


The significance of leaves of the tree have been thought to be ' healing ' in its properties, not only the physical point of view, but from the spiritual or emotional point of view. 


In its branches, it symbolizes reaching out to accept the nourishment of sun


The trunk of the tree, symbolizes stability, structure and support. It gives a sense of duty and responsibility.

Assignment  3

Statement 1 : " Everything originated from nature is original & natural.

This is the first t-shirt that we had made for Assignment 3. 

  • Group Name : anticlockwise

This is the second t-shirt that we had made for Assignment 3.

The earth was filled with greenery and beautiful trees back in the time. But with the development of mankind, our planet is in great danger and we human beings are to be blamed for this. We have wasted and misused our natural resources. People nowadays continuously improve their knowledge and develop new technologies to improve their lives and make their lives better than ever before.

Human did activities like
open burning, deforestation and opening of land which will cause greenhouse effect and global warming

Luckily several plans have been developed to save the planet such as the Earth Hour Activity. It is a worldwide movement that organized by the WorldWide Fund for Nature. This event is held for the purpose of encourage the individuals, communities and businesses to turn off the non-essential lights for one hour, from 8:30pm to 9:30pm on a specific day towards the end of March, as a symbol of COMMITMENT TO THE PLANET. It's mission is to unite people to protect the Earth.

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